End-to-end content consulting
Blending content elements for maximum effect
Maximise the impact of your content
To put it simply, in a world full of competing messages, insightful creativity is key. Whether you are introducing a concept to a brand new audience or explaining detail to a confirmed lead, the right content to the right person in the right place speaks volumes. I can do this for you in communications throughout your communications funnel. Don't have a funnel yet? Then I can help you with that too!
Multiple customer groups and evolving communications channels bring exciting creativity and breadth to how you tell your brand story. Brand Copy Lab™ can help you to develop messaging that is tailored to adapt to this dynamic environment with smart elements - ingredients - to make the most refreshing and effective communications. These will allow you to provide your customers with great content at every touch point in their customer journey. And in turn, that will delight and encourage them to follow you and engage with your stories.
Do you recognise your brand values in all your content? Imagine the
impact of inconsistency or error on a potential customer - confusion,
uncertainty, ambivalence... even mistrust. Building a brand and creating
your story take a lot of time and money. But often impact is diluted as
more and more content is executed. Give your brand messaging the
intended 'oomph' across all your communications... long-term.
There are a number of ways to get control of your content - from briefing tools to sharp processes. I can help you with all of them.
What are the benefits of using processes and tools to manage your content? There are many, but here are the main ones:
- Save time: with an effective process and useful tools, you can save precious time for all colleagues involved - from the project manager who will be able to see the status of the copy clearly, to the product manager in the business who will know when to expect an approval.. and what to look at...
- Save costs: see time saving above, but also think about the amount of times people reinvent copy and write extra texts that are not needed. If these are outsourced, this costs even more. And then multiply all this by the amount of times you need to get them translated (again). Then you start to see how this can be great news for your budgets!
- Consistency: your messages are clear and you all sing from the same hymn sheet. It sounds obvious, but this is not so easy to achieve without proper processes and tools in place.
- Future-proofing: we all know that brands, products and focuses change, meaning copy needs to change too. Once you have the right processes in place, its much easier to make these changes... and let the process cascade them through all your communications.
Want to know more? Contact me.

Brands have very different ways of dealing with their copy - some understand the challenges well and have processes and tools to help them manage the ever-growing copy resource. Because that's what it is, or more accurately, can be if under control!
Others are still starting the journey and so have more chaotic copy creation and management processes.
Check out the Brand Copy Blog for some of my articles on the subject of creating and managing effective content. Or read case studies about how I have done this for others.
Maybe you have something to add to the discussion? I'd love to hear from you on your experiences with brand copy. There's always a different way to do things - and I may also be able to help make your life easier. Get in touch.